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Line Dance of the Month - Ticket to the Blues

Fairfield Harbourites love to dance! You'll find a dedicated group of dancers queuing up for single line dancing on Monday afternoons. Here is a beginner line dance called Ticket to the Blues* - one of the class favorites!

Rose Litke is the Fairfield Harbour lead dance instructor. She and her husband, Henry, graciously give their time, talent and energy to teaching partner and single line dancing. On Friday evenings Rose and Henry lead a group for partner line dancing. Its a standing Friday night date for many of these couples!

On Monday afternoons, you'll find Rose playing the music and counting down the songs for single line dancers. Folks in Fairfield dance all year long and the demand from loyal dancers is so high that Rose has a bevy of volunteers that step up to lead the class when she and Henry are out of town. Line dancing is very popular and nobody wants to miss dance class!

Enjoy this video by Hashem Al-Ghaili@ScienceNaturePage that clears shows why so many folks love to dance! "Dancing has been proven to rejuvenate the body and mind! Research shows that dancing helps with stress, anxiety and depression. Trying different types of dances keeps you in a constant learning process."**

*Ticket to the Blues is 32 count, 4 wall beginner line dance. Choreographer: Niels Poulsen (Denmark) May 2015, Music: One Way Ticket by Eruption

** Hashem Al-Ghaili@ScienceNaturePage

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