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Cooperative Business of Fairfield Harbour - CBCFH

Ready to start that second business? Dreaming of another career, of being in business for yourself? CBC might be for you! 

CBCFH is the Cooperative Business Council of Fairfield Harbour. As an organization, we support members in their business endeavors, encourage referrals among members, build awareness of services, and enlist cooperation among members for the overall good of Fairfield Harbour and the CBC.

The mission of the Cooperative Business Council of Fairfield Harbour (CBC) is to be an advocate for and to encourage cooperative and mutual support of businesses providing goods and services to the Fairfield Harbour and Broad Creek Corridor communities. Multi-partner initiatives and events will be encouraged and supported.



The vision of CBCFH is to help members increase their business through structured events, positive messaging and mutual cooperation.


To learn more about CBC, click here.

CBC Events
Kim Harbour Hair
Christmas Parade
Pickleball in Christmas Parade
CBC sponsored Christmas PArade
Christmas Parade
Christmas Parade
Christmas Parade
CBC Golf Tourny
Dan Argentieri with CBC
CBC Golf Tourny
Fairfield Harbour Christmas Parade
Health and Wellness Fair
Health and Wellness Fair
Dance Palace
CBC on Live TV
Classic Car Show
Classic Car Show
FH Christmas Parade
MOM Program

"CBC has been as great boost for my  dance business  in Fairfield Harbour. Plus, I have met so many people through networking. I accepted the position of secretary for 2016 and I am delighted to serve the CBC in this capacity."

Sandra Casado,

homeowner since 2015

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