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Stay active, stay healthy in Fairfield Harbour!


Taking part in social activities makes people live longer and appears to be as important to health as exercise, according to new research. The research suggests that strong social ties are linked to a longer life. In contrast, loneliness and social isolation are linked to poorer health, depression, and increased risk of early death. Studies have found that having a variety of social relationships may help reduce stress and heart-related risks. Fairfield Harbour has a wide range of social activities for your enjoyment.


Here is a sampling of the many organized active social clubs in Fairfield Harbour: 

Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club

Property owners with registered boats may seek membership. Activities include long and short cruises, regattas, dinghy and model boat races, socials, monthly meetings with guest speakers, educational programs and community support programs.

Fairfield Harbour Fishing Club

Members with or without boats participate in fishing seminars, trips, tournaments and meetings. Many local fishing guides visit the club to provide members with expert advice for targeting local species like Red Drum, Speckled Trout, and Striped Bass.

Men's Golf Association (MGA)

An organized golf program of friendly competition, social and recreational activities.

Garden Club

Members exchange knowledge and share experience about gardening in Eastern North Carolina.

Harbour Pointe LGA

Members play weekly tournaments for 9 or 18 holes (March to November) in fellowship and friendly competition.

Line Dancing

Beginner and Intermediate groups dance every week. 


Concerts performed locally, practice weekly.


The mission of the Fairfield Harbour Community Emergency Response Team is to provide residents with organized assistance in disaster preparation, emergency response, and recovery. The CERT volunteers work together with the Tri-Community Fire Department to prepare residents for the next disaster and respond to emergencies that affect our community.

Harbour Lights Players

Drama club promotes an interest in community theater and opportunities to perform and produce.

Stretch and Tone

An exercise class geared to all fitness levels and a step class for those wanting an aerobic workout.

Bible Club

A nondenominational study group.

Car Club

Love Cars!! 

Neighborhood Watch

Local crime prevention. Citizens and police work toward property protection. Help us to help each other make our community a secure place to live. 

Contemporary Needle Arts

They meet on Thursday afternoons starting at 1P.M. in the activity center, room 4. The first Thursday of each month is instructional and the remainder of the month will be dedicated to practicing new techniques and private lessons. Call Mary with questions at 312-485-7349. Stitch One and Be Happy.


A unique exercise class held year-round at one of our Harbour pools.

RV Club

Features organized trips and discussion of individual trips at meetings. The Recreational Vehicle Club has nearly 100 members with over 40 rigs ranging from pop-ups, travel trailers, fifth wheels, class B's, C's and A's and a converted cargo trailer.

Down East Dulcimers

Down East Dulcimers began playing their "lap" or "mountain" dulcimers as a group in 2007. They are always looking for new players to join in on the fun.

Harbour Helpers

Harbourite volunteers provide services for other people in our community, free of charge. Members provide temporary help for those in need:  transportation for appointments, errands, shopping, prescription pick-up;  minor repair work around the house, meal preparation, dog walking, letter writing, bill paying, or just a visit to sit and chat.  If you or someone you know needs help because of illness, the death of a spouse, or for any other reason, call 252-288-5229.

Hospital Auxiliary

Volunteers make baby hats, receiving blankets, mastectomy pillows, chemo hats, afghans, stuffed toys for children who come to the emergency room and a host of other things for patients at the Carolina East Health System Hospital Center.

Investment Club

The CLASSI Investment Club is for women who are interested in learning about stock investing. The emphasis is on learning and having fun while making money. 

Marathon Bridge

Couples and ladies pairs play bridge once each month (January - October). 

Men's Bridge

Weekly play. 

Stitch and Chat

Stichers, arts and crafts devotees and those who enjoy companionship and stimulating conversation meet weekly.

Trap Club

Friendly members trap shoot twice a week, all skill levels welcome. 

Tennis Club

All levels enjoy tennis regularly on hard courts. 

Women's Bridge

Weekly play with a luncheon once each month. 

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Love where you live and love what you do! 

"We have been teaching line and partner dancing in Fairfield Harbour since we moved here in 2001.  Dancing is our passion and it is rewarding to watch others learn to dance and enjoy it.  We teach Beginning and Intermediate line dancing  on Monday afternoon.   We also teach partner country dancing most Friday nights; then the group goes out to dinner together.  It's definitely a social affair!  Join us for a hobby that offers exercise, comradery and fun!"

Rose and Henry Litke

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