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2017 Christmas Parade waves magic wand over Fairfield Harbour

21st Annual Fairfield Harbour Parade Kicks off the Holiday Season.

With fire engine horns blaring, Coast Guard Auxiliary marching and the West Craven High School Eagles Band performing, the Fairfield Harbour 21th Annual Christmas Parade kicked off on Sunday, December 3, 2017. The weather was a warm and brisk 64 degrees with lots of sunshine that made for a robust parade day.

By special request, this year’s the parade route was shorted to one mile. The new lineup was at the Cart Barn and the old Country Club parking lot. The new lineup was a little hectic in the beginning but Fairfield Harbour folks figured it out quickly and stepped inline. The total parade consisted of 27 ingenious and creative entries. The Pickleball Group performed a special pickle dance, Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club touted a theme of “Be Nice, Be Merry, Be Nautical”, Fishing Club sported their huge fish, while nine sports cars, eight antique autos honked their horns down Pelican Drive. Santa pulled up the rear in his big red fire engine. Special parking was allowed on the grassy lots at the end of Pelican for spectators that wanted to watch from their cars. And yes, lots of candy was thrown to the spectators as they lined the streets cheering on the parade.

The highest honor of Grand Marshal was bestowed upon the two groups that made the 385 acre purchase possible - The Harbour Partners, LLC and Sponsor an Acre groups. They marched collectively as a group.

The parade culminated at Red Sail Park where the festivities continued as the parade committee organized crocks pots of homemade chilies, soups, and scrumptious desserts donated by the Fairfield Harbour POA and neighbors. Hot dogs and all the condiments were provided by Maury Thompson of Harbour AC.

A total of $245 was collected and donated to the West Craven High School Booster Club. The money is allocated for uniforms.

Emcees Ann Simpson and Jim Cline presided over the parade from Pelican Drive. The parade was taped by Suddenlink Cable Channel 10. Here is the link for your enjoyment: or . The parade video is also available for viewing on Vimeo:

Thank you to all the participants the 2017 Fairfield Harbour Christmas Parade - the floats and entries were over the top fun and unique. Many thanks to the parade committee for their hard work, talent and organizational skills including Ann Simpson, Sandy Schulties, Ellen McElree, Sharon Stroupe and Roberta Flynn. Many thanks to all the folks who so generously donated food. Thank you to Will Caudle and his team; they were instrumental in setting up and orchestrating the parade rollout. Thank you Maury Thompson for donated 300 hotdogs and the condiments and Devin Williams for grilling and serving. A special thanks to Jody Fortuna for helping stage the lineup and Pat Dumon for helping the emcees. Ann Simpson and Jim Cline did a great job emceeing the parade. It takes a community to run a parade!

The Fairfield Harbour Christmas Parade was sponsored by the Fairfield Harbour Property Owners Association and The Fairfield Harbour Co-operative Business Council.

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