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Altitude and Attitude–Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro

Dan Miller, a retired 67-year old Harbourite, is an active outdoorsman and athlete who is always looking for his next adventure. An interest in Africa prompted him to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to a height of 19,341 feet. In comparison, Fairfield Harbour is at approximately 10 feet elevation.

How does a 67-year old prepare his body and mind for this great test of endurance? Among other activities, Dan and his son Tony are section-hiking the Appalachian Trail, averaging 150 plus miles/year. Besides being in good physical condition, Dan was required to get inoculations for his visa and a doctor’s health certificate for the climbing group. Dan’s adventure started this past February with 33 hours of travel from New Bern to Tanzania. He set off with a climbing team of 12 American climbers led by five Tanzanian guides and one American guide from International Mountain Guides of Ashford, WA, and 40 Tanzanian porters carrying tents, cooking utensils, food, and even a porta-potty. Each climber’s backpack held gear, food, and water for the day. Dan was the oldest climber in the group; the youngest was a 25-year-old woman.

The key to climbing the mountain was an often repeated Swahili phrase, “Polé- Polé,” meaning go slow - slow. Secure footing, good hydration, and following the guides were essential for survival. The first day’s hike led through a rain forest and it took 5.5 days to reach the summit. Each day ended at a camp where porters set up tents and cooked meals. Some challenging days were climbing the Barranco Wall, where climbers had to follow a tight footpath bordered by sheer cliff face, and traversing the Lava Tower area during sleet and rain, and of course “Summit Day.”

During the ascent, temperatures were dropping with less oxygen to breathe. The final push started at midnight with everyone wearing miners’ headlamps, climbing until mid-morning when the summit was reached. All climbers made it to the top and enjoyed a glorious sunrise. They were able to stay at the summit a precious half-hour enjoying the magnificent scenery before beginning the descent.

Dan completed his trip in Tanzania with an awesome three-day safari in the Serengeti to view endangered African animals. His next mountain challenge will likely be Mt. Ranier in Washington State.

If you would like more information about Mt. Kilimanjaro, Dan’s email is

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