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Gobble, Gobble! Fairfield Harbour host Marines on Thanksgiving Day

This is the 11th year Fairfield Harbour has hosted Marines for Thanksgiving Day. No experience is needed, just good hospitality. Marines from Camp Lejeune arrive on coach buses at the Community Center parking lot at 11 am. Hosts pick them up there, give them dinner, and have them back on the bus by 5 pm. In between, you can take them golfing, boating in the Harbour, or just watch a great game on TV. The Marines are 18-24 years old, usually don’t know each other, and have recently finished Boot Camp. They are far from home and a family Thanksgiving is a welcome treat!

The Marines are randomly assigned to homes. When it’s time to bring them back to the buses, host families make sure each has their own “doggie bag” of leftovers, since they will be missing dinner at the base. Fairfield Harbour usually gets 100-110 Marines; Fairfield Harbour residents can entertain two to six in their homes. Each host family receives a flag or bunting to hang outside on Thanksgiving. Here’s to counting your blessings by sharing Thanksgiving with these patriotic young folks. Stay tuned to Facebook for updates of Marines Thanksgiving in Fairfield Harbour.

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