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POA President catches citation red drum

All work and no play is an adage that most of us try to honor, even our POA President Ann Simpson. Sometimes, however, our most enjoyable “play” can seem more like work albeit the end result is most rewarding. Such was the case with Ann, who recently landed a citation red drum.

photo left: POA President Ann Simpson appears a bit exhausted after finally landing this 50-inch citation red drum on a recent fishing excursion with husband Donnie.

Ann describes her experience as follows:

“We were in search of red drum and, yet again, we watched, waited, and changed bait. This day, however, a day on the Neuse turned into an exciting but exhausting one. It finally happened! A drum was on my rod, it ran and ran again. After three runs both an exhausted fish and angler were too tired to continue the fight. With the help of the Captain (Donnie) I was able to bring in the large lady. Netting the fish was impossible for me to accomplish alone, but together we landed a 50-inch, approximately 40-year-old, fish. This fish was sent back into the water to spawn again. As they say, my Citation is in the mail.”

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