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After Summer Break, Fairfield Harbour Resumes Activities

Country Line Dance Classes

Monday, September 11, kicked off Country Line Dancing. Beginner classes are from 2 to 3 pm and advanced 3-5 pm. Country line dancing is taught by Rose and Henry Litke and a bevy of skilled volunteers. Classes are scheduled for every Monday unless notified differently. Free to Fairfield Harbour residents.

Garden Club

The Fairfield Harbour Garden Club resumed monthly meetings at the Community Center on September 11 at 9:30 am. The program was Zen Garden Design presented by Susan Broderick, President of the Craven County Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Association, Inc. Garden Club meetings are on the 2nd Monday of every month. Annual dues is $10/family.

Harbour Lights Players

Fall season kicked off Thursday, September 7, at 7 pm at the Community Center. Acts are being recruited for the Follies planned for the first week of October. Keep an eye out for upcoming winter production. We are always looking for actors.

RV Club Open House

On Saturday, September 23, the RV Club will hold its annual Open House at the Community Center parking lot. Members will assemble their rigs and open them for the public to view. There will be a diverse assortment of RVs from the small Tear Drop trailers to the large Class A motor homes. Hours are 2 to 4 pm and all are welcome to come and see what all the RV fuss is about!

Tai Chi 1 & 2

Tai Chi Group resumed its Thursday morning sessions at the Community Center on September 7 at 8:40 am. The Tai Chi group follows is a three-part routine called the Yang Long Form. The one-hour session includes approximately 30 minutes of balancing, deep breathing, and stretching exercises followed by learning and practicing the Tai Chi form.

For more information about any of the Fairfield Harbour groups or clubs, visit

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