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The Growing Pickleball Craze!

Fairfield Harbour installed new Pickleball courts in October of 2016 and they have become a mecca for the fastest growing sport in the country. Normal play is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday starting at 8 am in the summertime. Less aggressive players and beginners are playing on Wednesdays and Saturdays. As many as 12-15 folks play on an average day. Pickup games can be "advertised" via a Pickleball google group which members can join.

The group uses community balls bought in bulk. This eliminates sorting of balls during and after play. A contribution of $1/week goes toward the purchase price of the balls and are placed in the "pickle jar".

Want to try before you buy? Extra loaner paddles and the balls are kept in the lockbox outside the courts and are available for residents interested in trying the game.

Why do we love Pickleball? The paddles are lighter than tennis rackets, the court is smaller so there is not as much running. There are no overhead serves and there is always someone there to teach. You are closer to your opponents in Pickleball (if you are playing right) and that fosters a social relationship that you won't get in tennis or most other sports.

For information on all things Pickleball go to

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