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Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club welcomes New Neighbors

On Saturday, June 10, the Fairfield Harbour Yacht Club (FHYC), in a joint effort with the New Neighbors Committee, took POA-registered new neighbors of our community on the beautiful blue water that surrounds Fairfield Harbour. The attractiveness of our Inner Harbour, rivers, and canals was enjoyed by all guests who were disturbed only by the sound of churning water following their boat. The wonderful views and narration added a welcomed sense of relaxation.

The early evening offered a catered chicken and pulled-pork dinner at the Community Center. The dinner guests were those new to our community, the boat captains and mates from the FHYC, and members of the New Neighbors committee. There was running commentary about homes observed from the water, wildlife, landscape, and surroundings as well as the history of Fairfield Harbour and some of its man-made waterways.

The New Neighbors committee is an organization dedicated to welcoming new residents to Fairfield Harbour. The New Neighbors committee in conjunction with the FHYC made it a day that combined safe boating, dinner, great company, and wonderful conversation.If you’re new to Fairfield Harbour, be sure to register with the POA office to receive notices about future New Neighbors events. If you have questions, call the POA office, 633-5500.

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