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Fairfield Harbour lady athletes rock the National Senior Games

Fairfield Harbour should be proud of these ladies who competed in the National Senior Games in Birmingham, AL, in June. Left to right are Ann Kopec, Kris Engelhaupt, Edythe Colton, and Sharon Henke.

On Saturday, June 10, having qualified at the state and local levels, Fairfield Harbour golfer athletes, Edythe Colton, Ann Kopec, Sharon Henke, and Kris Engelhaupt set out for the National Senior Games in Birmingham, AL. During the 11-hour van trip the group drew attention at highway rest stops as they rolled out their Pilates mats for impromptu exercise and stretching sessions, designed to keep them loose and limber in preparation for the upcoming competition.

After a quick sightseeing tour was completed, the group settled in to the serious job of competing for medals at the National Senior Games in their chosen sport of Scratch Play (no handicap) Golf. The 54-hole tournament was held over three days at three different golf venues in Birmingham selected by the Games Committee based on course length and difficulty. At the end of the games our Fairfield ladies celebrated the thrill of the competition and the camaraderie of all the highly qualified athletes.

The National Senior Games are held every other year. Our intrepid athletes have already played locally and qualified for the North Carolina state games to be held at Tanglewood Golf Course in Winston-Salem in October 2017. They are all looking forward to heading back to the Nationals in 2019 for another shot at gold.

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