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Thanksgiving with the Marines

The Thanksgiving holiday ushers in rich traditions of sharing food and enjoying family. For Fairfield Harbour, the Thanksgiving tradition includes an additional element – the Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point. For ten years Joan and Bruce Shattuck have organized the hosting of marines to families in Fairfield Harbour. A bus brings in the “fresh out of boot camp” marines from Cherry Point to Fairfield Harbour Community Center where they are greeted by their host family. For many of these marines, it is their first holiday away from home. This year Bruce and Joan lined up 110 marines for 35 families and there is awaiting list of families wanting to host the marines. Each family hosts 2-6 marines. The bus arrives at 11am and the marines board the bus to return to base at 5pm with a full belly and an uplifting day of thanks and appreciation.

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