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Retirement is taking on a whole new meaning

When our parent’s time came to retire they collected their pensions and enjoyed their years of leisure. Today’s baby boomers are still trying to figure out retirement. Today we’re also expected to live 25 years past that retirement age.

How do we make our retirement savings last longer? What if we still just want to continue to use our skill-set and launch that dream career? Many retirees want to be professionally active post retirement. There’s even a word for it: re-careering, or switching to an entirely new job path. And retirement is an opportunity to do that.

Some retired property owners in Fairfield Harbour have discovered at least one solution to either of these situations. They have launched start-up companies that help supplement retirement savings while keeping owners professionally active. Locally, these folks are known as “active retirees” who can enjoy the open space, recreational amenities and blue water in the community but still find business opportunities available.

A community organization known as the Cooperative Business Council of Fairfield Harbour (CBCFH) assists those with entrepreneurial passion. Members must live or own a business in Fairfield Harbour providing goods or services to residents and guests. The MEMBERS webpage on this CBCFH website ( describes the wide variety of businesses in our community.

As an organization, CBCFH supports members in their business endeavors, encourage referrals among members, build awareness of services, and enlist cooperation among members for the overall good of Fairfield Harbour and the CBCFH. The vision of CBCFH is to help members increase their business through structured events, positive messaging and mutual cooperation. CBCFH is a perfect match for re-careering retirees.

For more information on CBCFH, visit

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